• English
  • United Kingdom(USD $)



Shipping and Delivery


1. Can I track my order?

After an order is placed, we will send you an email with the shipping details. This will include a tracking number and link, which will tell you when you can expect the delivery and also give you information on the status of the order.

2. Why have I not received an order confirmation by email?

Sometimes our emails take a couple of minutes to be sent or sometimes they land in the SPAM folder.

Please check all of your email folders again in 30 minutes - if you still haven't received your confirmation, email sales@jungleshome.com , and we'll be happy to confirm your order and resend the confirmation email.

We apologize for the inconvenience!

3. Can I change my order?

You can always change your order before you checkout - just go to the shopping bag and you can add or remove items.

If you have already checked out, please contact and we'll do our best to change your order before it is shipped.

4. Can I cancel my order?

Yes, you can cancel your order within 30 mins by contacting our customer service team

However, if your order has already been shipped you'll have to return the products yourself. In that case, please see our return policy for further details

5. My address is written incorrectly in the order confirmation - what can I do?

Please contact with sales@jungleshome.com as soon as possible.



Our goal is to offer you the best shipping options, no matter where you live. We deliver to hundreds of customers across the world every day, and we strive to provide you with services of the highest level.